Funny Gifts in Ollies Army Maryland

Me 'n Ollies

Aug 14

8/14/2007 2:52 PM RssIcon

Tomorrow, Wed., Aug. 15, I am going on a satellite radio tour sponsored by Ollie's Bargain Outlet (a chain of more than 50 stores in the Mid-Atlantic that sells merchandise of all descriptions and some beyond description).

I've been asked to reveal the results of a really fun Harris Interactive survey that was commissioned by Ollie's ... AND to make a big

announcement about Ollie's contest to find America's Biggest Cheapskate. It's Ollie's 25th Anniversary so this is a big deal.

The grand prize winner will receive a giant gift certificate worth $2,500 at Ollie's, and four first-place winners each will receive a $250 Ollie's gift certificate.

Ollie's Bargain Outlet has stores in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, Ohio, West Virginia and New York (just opened in Buffalo!)

Starting next week ... Ollie's will begin carrying many of my books. (Thanks, Ollie!)

Some of these radio interviews will be live, others taped for later broadcast.  Here is the most current schedule  (all times are Eastern):

Wed., Aug. 15
8:40am      LIVE      WRFY-FM     Reading, PA
9:05am     Taped    WODE-FM    Easton, PA
9:15am      Taped    NATIONAL  CNN Radio  (2000 stations)
9:30am      LIVE     WAFX-FM    Chesapeake, VA
10:00am   Taped   NATIONAL   Wall Street Jrnl Radio (300 stations)

Thurs., Aug 16
TBD            LIVE     WCTO-FM    Bethlehem, PA

I am so anxious to hear from any of you who live in areas where there are Ollie's Bargain Outlet stores. The rest of us are envious, for sure!

Tell us all about Ollie's and what is it about this chain of stores that has attracted 750,000 into its loyalty program, known as Ollie's Army? Help me folks ... I need to be an Ollie's expert by 5:40am tomorrow morning.

Stay tuned because soon I will tell you how you can enter the Ollie's contest. I don't want to scoop myself here because that's the big news for tomorrow's tour.

See you on the radio!

14 comment(s) so far...

Hi Mary- I think I may be a General in Ollie's Army!
You never know what you might find at a great price- always first rate close-outs in just about everything. This summer we purchsed a cedar playhouse for our grandchildren ($400.00 value for $87.00) when we used a 15% off all purchases postcard. When I am in need of any item food, clothing, houseware, tool, gardening, books, stationary, linens, etc I always check out Ollie's FIRST! He will even beat Wallmart or the Dollar Store on some items.

By Barbara on 8/14/2007 12:00 AM

Dear Mary, I shop at Ollies. I have found some really good bargains. They carry all kinds of merchandise. Books, kitchen utinsels, small appliances. Toys, towels, bedding. They have seasonal items too. I bought bound rugs for my Mother and myself. Bound rugs are difficult to find here at a good price. I buy books there, the prices on books are usually under $5. I purchased science kits just last week for my Grandson for Christmas I paid $6.99 for them, I checked on and the same kits were listed at $29.95 Sometimes you never know what you will find. When you join Ollies army after you make I think $200 worth of purchases you get a coupon for 10% off your next purchase.

By Melissa on 8/14/2007 12:00 AM

I'm in Ohio, and we just got an Ollie's store, and my first visit there, I filled a cart with great deals, and signed up for "Ollie's Army", which is their special savings club. I found fantastic deals on name-brand food items, kitchenware, towels, toys, lawn & garden stuff, the list goes on and on! It's a really fun place to shop!

By Angie on 8/14/2007 12:00 AM

I also shop at Ollie's. I live in Maryland. There are quite a few Ollie's in Maryland. I go there at least one time a week. The savings are great. i was just at Ollie's yesterday, looking for some scrapbooking materials. There were at least a half an isle full of these materials. I have bought food, furniture, the area rugs in my living room, linens, toys, books, to name a few. If you want to save money, Ollie's is the place. I am also a member of the Ollie's Army. I have received and used cards in the mail for 10%, 15%, even 20% off. And have been invited to Ollie's Members only Sunday night shopping sprees.

By Donna Blackburn on 8/14/2007 12:00 AM

So, Mary, Please find out for me when we will have an Ollie's in Michigan....specifically Flint, Burton, Grand Blanc or Swartz Creek. Our sagging economy could use such a bargain store.
Priscilla, Mi.

By Priscilla Khirfan on 8/15/2007 12:00 AM

I just shopped Ollie's Monday here in West Virginia and always have a blast going through the books. They have a great selection of Christian books and I even told my Pastor so he's join the Ollie's Army too! I did see one of Mary's books there and thought that was really neat! Our little Ollie's even have a giant coffee pot set up in the front of the store for their Army of buyers!

By Tina on 8/15/2007 12:00 AM

Mary on your Everyday Cheapskate rec'd aug 14:

Choices: When More is Less ... Ever since I went into my 1st Baskin and Robbin's 29 flavors, or is it 39 ?) I've been using the saying: "What ever happened to Chocolate, Vanilla & Strawberry.

By Darrel McBride on 8/15/2007 12:00 AM

I'm very envious. Wish we had an Ollie's in the Dallas area.

By Janice on 8/15/2007 12:00 AM

I'm sorry I missed the only chance to hear you on CNN radio this morning. I hope you do it again and I read my emails earlier. We need an Ollies in Appleton, Wisconsin too the closest thing is an Aldi's. I've been reading your daily emails for almost 2 years and saved most of them or at least the ones I know I would refer back too. I look forward to hearing from you everyday because you have the same premise but change it up so that it stays new and interesting. Thank you for making a difference in our lives.

By Jeanne Martens on 8/15/2007 12:00 AM

Mary,I bought my first book of yours at Ollies,"debt proof your marriage". That is probably one of the best bargains I have ever gotten as I use this book almost every day.

By Cathy Siddons on 8/16/2007 12:00 AM

Mary: I also bought "Debt Proof Your Marriage" at Ollie's. There is one store very nearby and we go there often, especially for reading materials and children's videos. Veggie Tales movies have been purchased for $2.99 each! Ollie's has good prices on Christian books, office supplies, linens and I shop there for Christmas gifts that are unique and a bargain.

By Kim Stenson on 8/17/2007 12:00 AM

Hi Mary, August 18, 2007
I like your new blog, and I also read your articles in the paper. Nice that so many women are managing the money. I have always managed our money, but I like to let my wife know what is going on. I enjoy the responsibility although at times a little frighting.

By Rodger Dannelley on 8/18/2007 12:00 AM

All I can say is WOW! Extremely nice layouts, awesome graphics and great articles. No matter how many times I come here, I am still impressed by the very professional appearance. Congratulations on a job well done.

By Lee on 9/4/2007 12:00 AM

IF we have an Ollies here in the Flint Michigan area, I have never heard of them nor heard of where they are located. HELP!!!!

Input your zip code at to see if there is a store near you. Could be!

By John on 11/23/2007 12:00 AM


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